Thursday, April 2, 2015

reflection and feedback outline

The role of peer and tutor feedback outline

1. what happened ( describe the experience)
Throughout the semester, we have been assigned to write serval academic essays.
We were giving and receiving feedback to and from our classmates.
We also obtained the formal feedback from Mr. Bread for us to improve on our essays.

2. why/how did it happen?
In the class, we were separated into small groups, and we were obligable to read and give comments on our group members' essay.
This gave us an opportunity to look at other people's thoughts regarding to a topic, and also served in a way that is to supervise us to complete the work in time, so that other people can view our essays during the tutorial.

3. what is your interpretation of the experience? what is the significance? what did you learn about yourself and others?
- recognised the importance of peer review.
-improved my analysing and evaluating skills.
-English language improved.

4. what will you do as a results of this experience? how will you use it to inform your future?--how to apply the skills learnt to your other subject ?
- ask for peers' and mentors' feedback for my academic reports or program proposals.
- can be applied to my other subjects' report writing.

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